DotA vs 6.85c Map Download

Download Map DotA vs 6.85c For Free. Getdota map v6.85c released and download by Dracol1ch. 

Fixed bug when buff or debuff had infinite duration randomly
Fixed dropping Undying’s Aghanim didn’t remove it’s bonuses

Attribute bonus no longer has icon on any hero
Fixed Right Click deny activating even on non-deniable creeps instead of “move”
Chat command -gg is now available only after 15th minute
Cricle’s ability to sell items no longer available if your hero is dead
Fixed Roshan had extra armor at the start
Summons autoselection now works only in 1000 range around the primary hero

-g = -gold 999999
-fog = iseedeadpeople

Fixed Thunder Lizard missing Slam ability
New icons for Thunder Lizard Slam and Dragonhide aura

Borrowed Time now supports cooldown reduction

Added sounds to Acid Spray activation

Nightmare now disable Kelen’s Dagger

Batrider’s Flaming Lasso with Aghanim’s now correctly breaks when Batrider dies

Improved visuals for Bloodrite
Improved icons

Bounty Hunter
Track now grants bonus gold even if target has reincarnation available instead of only per kills

Fixed Double Edge dealing less damage onto caster than should

Chaos Knight
Fixed chaos strike could affect structures

Fixed Searing Arrows with Lifesteal healing from damage dealt to illusions

Power Cogs target type changed from Structure to Ward
Splash and Moon Glaive no longer affects Power Cogs

Fixed Poison Sting and Dispersion ignores Shallow Grave

Doom no longer applies break unless Aghanim Scepter acquired

Earth Spirit
Fixed Boulder Smash pushing hero himself
Fixed Rolling Boulder slow debuff icon
Enchanted Remnant can no longer target magic immune enemies
Fixed Boulder Smash using angle between the Rock and target point instead of between the hero and target point

Fixed Impetus with Lifesteal healing from damage dealt to illusions

Keeper of the Light
Fixed Illuminate bound to the hero even in Ghost form

Fixed Ghost Ship buff disappears on moprhing

Fixed Ice Wall deals no damage
Fixed Tornado still had less effect range than should with Aghanim
Tornado now stop enemies from using Blink Dagger
Tornado now deals it’s damage as soon as enemy lands instead of constant delay

Legion Commander
Press The Attack now displayed in status bar
Overwhelming Odds no longer places the buff if nothing has been hit

Infest now has instant projectile speed

Lone Druid
Lone Druid’s cast backswing reduced from 1.17 to 0.57

Fixed Shapeshift had incorrect cooldown stated in tooltip

Earthbind no longer allows cought unit to turn invisible

Natures Prophet
Fixed Nature’s Wrath spawned treants belongs to the killer instead of the Furion
Fixed Force of Nature treants damage being off by 1

Nerubian Assassin
Manaburn now deals it’s damage before mana being reduced

Purifying Flames can now be dispelled by any dispell instead of only Fortune’s End
Fate’s Edict now has buff icon

Pit Lord
Fixed Athrophy aura misleading visuals
Fixed Pit of Malice target AoE was lower than real AoE

Fixed Phase Shift effect disappears too early if cooldown has been reduced by Kotl

Rubick now gets empty skill on level 25 to prevent stolen spell’s icon placing issues
Fixed Rubick could stack metamorphoses
Fixed Rubick always stealing Spiritbreaker’s aura as level 1
Fixed Rubick issues with Templar Assassin’s Traps subskill
Fixed Rubick couldn’t steal Refraction
For Rubick unlocked:
Alacrity – A3JZ [D]
Tornado – A3K0 [D]
Exorcism – A3K1 A3K2 A3K3 A3K4 A3K5 [D]
Shadowraze – A3K6 A3K7 [D]

Skeleton King
Fixed Vampiric Aura healing from damage dealt to illusions

Dark Pact no longer stops Slark when activated
Thundergod’s Wrath no longer affects Slark in Shadow Dance state

Improved Assassinate icon at targeted unit

Empowering haste no longer interrupts Spiritbreaker

Templar Assassin
Fixed Psionic trap missing animation

Fixed Conjured Images losing it’s visual effects when morphing into Metamorphosis

Treant Protector
Fixed Earth Spirit iteraction with Eye in the forest

Whirling axes (melee) no longer stops Troll when activated

Improved Soul Rip targeting

Enrage now dispellable

Added Aghanim visuals for Venomancer

Shadow Word can now be casted onto magic immune allies

Winter Wyvern
Fixed Arctic Burn tooltip

Thundergod’s Wrath no longer break Linken’s Sphere
Thundergod’s Wrath no longer has lightning delay (0.25s before damage applied)
Lightning bolt no longer has lightning delay (0.25s before damage applied)

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Fixed Janggo had 5 charges when bought with Quick buy
Added sounds to Janggo’s activation

Crimson Guard
Fixed Crimson Guard defense being removed if morph used

Fixed Eul always counted as allied dispell

Linken’s Sphere
Fixed Death Coil doesn’t dispell Linken’s Sphere
Fixed Soul Rip doesn’t iteract with Linken’s Sphere
Fixed Static Link doesn’t dispell Linken’s Sphere
Fixed Ensnare doesn’t dispell Linken’s Sphere
Fixed Bloodrage doesn’t dispell Linken’s Sphere

Lotus Orb
Fixed Lotus Orb’d Dismember (upgraded) didn’t heal original target

Midas now respects all of the rules of creep killing (proc Bloodrage, dispells Battle Hunger, etc)

Octarine Core
Fixed Flesh Golem cooldown iteraction with Octarine Core
Fixed Arctic Burn cooldown iteraction with Octarine Core
Fixed Ghost Form cooldown iteraction with Octarine Core
Fixed Octarine Core healing from damage dealt to illusions

Smoke no longer allows to attack affected units (same rules as Shadow Dance)

Vladmir’s Offering
Fixed Vladmir’s Vampiric Aura healing from damage dealt to illusions

Link 1 - DotA v6.85c Allstars - DotaWorkshop.rar (7.10 MB)
Link 2 - DotA v6.85c Allstars - DotaWorkshop.rar (7.10 MB)

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